Singulating and contour inspection machine
With corner removal from module edges
better than 2.5 second for piece
Singulating and contour inspection machine
better than 3 second for piece
From Italy
To the States
To Japan
Singulating and wire&contour inspection machine
With corner removal from module edges
better than 5 second for piece
Singulating and wire&contour inspection machine
Suitable for master card holding press fit pins already inserted
better than 5 second for piece
Handler for Orthodyne Bonders Mod. Asterion for DBC
two independent bonding stations working in parallel
Boat change time at bonding station less than 2
Singulating machine
for hybrid Mastercards with AOI
and full product traceability
Assembly machine for Power Modules
Spot welding on 5 individual Station
12 modules each minute
Handlers for Orthodyne Bonders
Multimagazine to Multimagazine
In line
Magazine to Magazine
Highly integrated laser welding machine
for tantalum flat chip capacitors